Fam. : Fabaceae
© Pascale SERVAIS & Pierre SEBA, 2019. Tilo Botanica: Flore de Tilos et du Dodécanèse / Flora of Tilos and of the Dodecanese
English translation by Brenda Bradbury, Howard Bradbury and Stéphane Léonard
Vicia benghalensis
Vicia bithynica
Vicia ervilia
Descripteurs distinctifs des 11 espèces
Distinctive identifying features of the 11 species
Vicia faba
Vicia hybrida
Vicia lathyroides
Vicia palaestina
Vicia peregrina
Vicia sativa
Vicia villosa
subsp. microphylla
Clés dichotomiques
Dichotomous keys
Vicia cuspidata